Fiske Block, Broad Street, Bangor, 1864
Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State MuseumDescription
John Martin (1823-1904) of Bangor drew this illustration of the Fiske Block on Broad Street in Bangor as part of a journal he wrote and illustrated in 1864 to document his life and activities for his children.
Martin included the drawing of the Fiske Block on page 517 as part of going to work as an accountant for I W Patten's store, which was located at the Doctor James B. Fiske Block. He wrote that Patten had just purchased the store and hired the wharf opposite and could use Martin's help.
Martin added later to his description of the building that, "Saturday night may 12 1866 John Womans' Barn was set on fire E H Tebbets horse shed and 4 stores commencing at I W Pattens and running north Cyras Goss were entirely consumed so the walls tumbled in and floors fell in enbracing the engine planing mills &c ."
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