In partnership with the Maine Memory Network Maine Memory Network

"A Society Lady of 1889," Bangor

Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
MMN Item 100951 Item Details
MMN Item 100951 Zoom


John Martin (1823-1904), an accountant and shopkeeper who was interested in fashion, dance, architecture, gardening, and other pursuits, drew this illustration of a "society lady" as she might have appeared in 1889 in Bangor.

He pasted the illustration onto page 65 of a scrapbook he began writing and illustrating in 1888 while he was working at Katahdin Iron Works near Brownville.

Martin wrote, "The above Lady shows what constitutes a Society lady of the present day. The material for dress in this case is not costly but shows that the wearer is a person of fine taste which a poor person has the priviledge to enjoy if they make a study of the changes and clothes themselves in colors and fashions that at once makes their society agreable with to other persons who train themselves & their persons to the best advantage."

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