In partnership with the Maine Memory Network Maine Memory Network

Belles Early apple, Bangor, 1864

Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum
MMN Item 101064 Item Details
Belles Early apple, Bangor, 1864
MMN Item 101064 Zoom


On the first page of "John Martin's Scrap & Sketch Book, Commenced June 14th 1864," Martin drew this Belles Early apple and wrote, "ripens the last of august flavour spicy and rich."

He also wrote, "Sept 2 1866 Adas Tree had 125 apples of this color and average size, some were larger and a few smaller."

Martin (1823-1904), an accountant and shopkeeper who lived most of his adult life in Bangor, began in 1864 recording and illustrating reminiscences of his life, work, and events. He began with a "journal," then wrote three scrapbooks, which include newspaper clippings as well as his own writing and illustrations.

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